
My project 
Though the whole world highlights eco problems, I can say that in my community my generation is ignorant about this question. I believe that environment protection concept should be brought up from early age. It’s much harder to change one’s attitude, when this person is already an adult. That’s why I am going to focus on schoolchildren aged from 6 to 9 and from 10 to 13 years.

There are four secondary schools in my community; each school will have two age groups. Thus 8 groups will be enrolled in this project. Each group will consist of 15 members with a leader/mentor, who will be one of our EcoClub members. Three times a week we will arrange extra-curricular lessons. These lessons will be within the frame of non formal education.

The first activity will be introductory.
It will include cartoon watching. We will ask the schools to provide us with a room where we will install our equipment: the screen, video projector and PC. The cartoons will be informative and will describe our wonderful planet and the harm that people cause to it. Some of the demonstrated cartoons will be ready-made, others we will create with our working team. A small discussion must sum up each watching.
As far as gaming is the most interesting activity for these age groups, we will choose ,,education through gaming’’ concept as the second activity. I suggest creating of environment related quests. For this purpose we need a computer room. The first level of the game suggests the participants to sort out plastic, metal, paper and food remains from the pile of garbage and put in the corresponding bin. If this level is passed successfully, the gamer enters the next level, where he/she has to choose the next step for recycling of each garbage type (the options are given). Reaching the third level the gamer is suggested a list of materials that are used every day though they threaten the environment. The gamer has to replace harmful materials with recycled ones.  

The third activity will be creative work. Our participants will get the task to collect junk from the surrounding area and create a piece of work from these unnecessary things.

The first two levels are educational and the third level is focused on team work that teaches children to work cooperatively.  

At the end of this course all the participants will be awarded with a badge of a young ecologist.    

Me adressing the world
The humankind is 8.000 years old but it hasn’t gained any wisdom and keeps on harming the environment. The statistics says, the Earth’s ecosystem has been damaged to 60 percent for the last 60 years. Approximately 23 billion tons of resources are extracted from the Earth yearly and it is a continuous practice.
25 percent of coral reefs have vanished because of water pollution, acidification and illegal fishing. If it does not stop, we will lose the rest during next 30 years. 4.6 million hectares of forests have either been burnt or cut. One mustn’t be genius to understand the extent of harm caused to the fauna and flora. It is sarcastically said that we have created the seventh, Plastic continent. 8 million tons of plastic pollute the ocean and nearby areas yearly. Plastic waste does not decompose in the ocean and harms different species of fish.   

The above mentioned examples are only the part of evil that we cause to our Planet. Our Planet suffers from our daily activity not less. We forget to close taps while brushing our teeth, we neglect switching off home appliances when they are not in use and etc. 
We waste natural resources carelessly. Let’s consider the issue of electricity generation. Hydroelectric power stations impact aquatic ecosystem, destroy the wildlife, injure organisms and make rivers shallow. Thermal power plants pollute the atmosphere with CO2 which is the main greenhouse gas. Nuclear power stations threaten with radiation. Nevertheless the main nowadays sources are water, fuel and uranium. Meanwhile there is a successful practice in China to use alternative energy, install wind power plants and be the leader in this market. Our perspective should be to replace traditional energy sources by alternative ones. Let’s say, the average sunshine hours in Dubai are 3.500 per year. Why not to use it as the main source of energy which will provide the half of the U.A.E. with electricity.
The last century has revealed multiple eco problems. The pity is that the humanity addressed them only when the Earth alarmed. We have to alter energy sources, change the mining laws, say no to traditional cars and start using green vehicles. We have to stop using polyethylene and replace it with recycled bags. We have to awaken people’s consciousness and make waste sorting mandatory.

We have to remember: there is no another EARTH. Let’s take care of the HOME we live in.

Jack Ma's interview (translation)
-Շատ լավ։ Մեկ հարց էլ լսենք WhiteRealityTV-ից. Խնդրեմ, հարցրեք։
-Ողջույն, իմ անունը Պաբլո է, Կոստա Րիկայից եմ։ Տալով ձեր տեսանկյունը հոգատարության և հավատարմության վերաբերյալ, ինչ եք դուք անում ինքնախնամքին ուղղված և ինչպես է դա դրսևորվում ձեր ընկերությունում։ Օրինակ՝ տեսնում եք Ձեր աշխատակցին՝ քնած կամ ուրիշ այդպիսի հիմար իրավիճակում։ Ի՞նչ մոտեցում ցույց կտաք այդ դեպքում։
-Բախտս բերել է, որ ես ունեմ 18 համահիմնադիր և նրանց մեծ մասն իմ աշակերտներն են։ Երբ իմ բնակարանում ես ասացի նրանց իմ երազանքը,նպատակը, մի զվարճալի բան առաջարկեցի. Ալիբաբայի առաջին ֆոտոապարատի վաճառքի մեկնարկի հետ տեսանկարահանել մեր բոլոր հանդիպումները։ Այս քայլով մարդկանց հնարավորություն էինք տալիս ուսումնասիրել մեր ձախողման կամ հաջողության պատճատները՝ գործը ավարտին հասցնելուն պես։ Առաջին տեսահոլովակը նկարահանեցինք հենց առաջին հանդիպման ընթացքում, որը տևեց երկու ժամ։ Իմ երկժամյա խոսքից հետո բոլոր զարմացել և հոգնել էին, կարծես շոկի մեջ լինեին։ Ինձ նայում էին՝ հարցնելով. -Սա այն է, ինչ դու ուզու՞մ ես։-
Ես պատասխանում էի՝ այո։
Ես առաջինն էի, ով տեխնոլոգիաների մասին ոչինչ չգիտեր։ Ես կարծում եմ, որ մարդ ոչ թե պետք է անեն ինչ իմանա, այլ պիտի իր կողքին ունենա ավելի խելացի մարդիկ։ Ես միշտ փորձում գտնել մարդկանց,ովքեր, օրինակ, համակարգչային գիտելիքներ ավելի շատ ունեն, քան ես, հաշվում են ավելի լավ, քան ես։ Ես այնքան շատ խելացի մարդ գտա, որ իմ գործը դարձքվ նրանց բոլորի միասնական աշխատանքի հաստատումն ու հեշտացումը։ Երբ խելացիները աշխատում են փոխհամագործակցելով, նևանց նպատակը ավելի մոտ է դառնում։ Հիմանրները հեշտ են միմյանց հետ աշխատում, խելացիները՝ ոչ։ Հիմարները աշխատում են միասին, բայց չեն հավատում իրենց նպատակին և գաղափարին։ 
-Մենք՝ մարդիկ, միշտ դուրսն ենք նայում, չենք զննում մեր ներսը։ Եթե դու քեզ չես քննում,զննում քո ներաշխարհը, ապա չես լինի իմաստուն։ Եթե իմաստուն չլինես, չես իմանա, թե ինչ չես ուզում և ինչը պետքական չէ։ Այսօր մարդ արարածը ստանում է ավելին, քան ակնկալում էր ունենալ։ Այսպիսով՝ շրջակա միջավայրի աղտոտման և շատ ու շատ այլ խնդիրների պատճառն է հանդիսանում մարդու ագահ դառնալը։ Մարդիկ շատ ժամանակ վստահում են իրենց դիմացիններին նաև այն պատճառով, որ դիմացինները իրենց ավելի լավ են ճանաչում։ Ռոբոտները շուտով կտիրեն աշխարհին, քանի որ նրանք նկատում են այն ամենը, ինչ կատարվում է շրջակա միջավայրում։ Չինական փիլիսոփայությունը հիմնված է մարդու ներսը վերլուծելու և ինքնադաստիարակության վրա։ Եթե մարդ առաջինը վերլուծի իր քայլերը, ապա չի նկատի դիմացինի բացասական կողմերը և ուշադրություն կդարձնի միայն դրականին։ Եթե մենք չսկսենք կոնկրետ քայլեր ձեռնարկել, ապա բոլոր վաստակած գումարները կծախսենք մեր երեխաների և թոռների բուժմանը ուղղված՝ հիվանդանոցների վրա։ Այսպիսով եկեք կարգի հրավիրենք ամենը. մեր սիրտը, աշխարհայացը, հավատը և կրոնը։ Ես կարծում եմ, որ սա պետք է լինի մեր և մատաղ սերնդի նպատակն ու ուղղվածությունը։ Սա այն է, ինչի վրա հետագա 30 տարիների ընթացքում պիտի կենտրոնացած լինի մեր կրթական համակարգը։ 
-Մեկ հարց, խնդրեմ-։
-Շնորհակալություն։ Ես ցանկանում եմ իմանալ, թե ինչպես եք դուք ձեզ մոտիվացնում, ինչ շարժառիթներ ունեք։ Նաև երկրորդ հարցս. քանի ժամ եք դուք քնում։ Ես հասկանում եմ, որ ձեր գործերը ղեկավարելու համար հարկավոր են ութ աչք :D, նաև լսել եմ տարբեր վարկածներ, բայց ճիշտ պատասխանը ցանկանում եմ հենց ձեզնից լսել։-

Ինչպե՞ս եմ ես մոտիվացնում իմ աշխատակիցներին։ Ես նախ գտնում եմ այնպիսի մարդկանց, ովքեր մոբիլ են և կարողանում են խրախուսել ինքներն իրենց, քանի որ ոչ ակտիվ, պասիվ մարդուն խրախուսել և մոտիվացնել ուղղակի հնարավոր չէ։ Ես ունեմ 65.000 աշխատակից, նրանք խմբով աշխատելիս խրախուսում են միմյանց և լրացնում բացերը։ Նվազագույնը կարող եմ ասել, որ նրանց և իմ փոխհարաբերությունը, իմ ղեկավարման ձևը և առաջնորդի որակները՝ այ սրանք են, որ ինչ-որ բան են փոխում աշխատողներիս մեջ։ Նրանք պետք է լինեն դրական, պետք է իմանան իրենց կոլեգայի խնդիրը, օգնեն լուծել, քանի որ ես իվիճակի չեմ բոլորինն անգիր իմանալ, և ցավոք, չունեմ դրա ֆիզիկական հնարավորությունը։ Երբ դուք այցելեք մեր հանդիպումները, կզարմանաք, քանի որ ընդհանրապես նման չեն չինական այլ ընկերությունների հանդիպումներին։ Բոսսը ասում է՝ աշխատողները լսում, ոչ, այսպես չէ։ Մեր սենյակը նման է ռազմի դաշտի. մենք որոշումներ ենք կայացնում տարբեր բղավոցների միջից, քանի որ ամեն մեկը բարձրաձայնում է իր կարծիքը։ Անցնենք մյուս հարցին։ Որքա՞ն եմ քնում։ Ես քնում եմ ո՛չ շատ կարճ, բայց ո՛չ էլ բավական։ Նաև շատ քիչ եմ ուտում, ուտում եմ միայն հատուկ ընտրված բաներ։ Վերջին ժամանակներուն ես սկսել եմ չափից շատ մտածել։ Բախտի բերմամբ հիմա ունեմ շատ լավ թիմ, ում ասում եմ իմ բոլոր գաղափարները։ Իմը խոսելն է, նրանցը՝ անելը։
Շնորհակալություն մեզ հետ լինելու համար, մեր ժամանակը չի բավականեցնում լսելու բոլոր հարցերը, բայց Դուք կարող եք միանալ պարոն Մայի մյուս դասերին՝ առևտրի վերաբերյալ, ուղղված երիտասարդությանը։
Աղբյուրը: http://newmag.am/2018/jack-ma/

Fable (translation)
Փոս փորողն ինքն է ընկնում իր փոսի մեջ
Մի աղքատ և ծեր ճգնավոր կար։ Գյուղացիները սովոր էին նրան ամեն օր ողորմության գումար տալսակայն ճգնավորը միշտ կիսվում էր իր սննդով՝ մուրացկանների և կարիքավորների հետ։Մի օր նա հասավ մի ծեր կնոջ տան մոտ։ Այդ կինը շատ դաժան և ագահ էր։ Ճգնավորը կնոջից ողորմություն մուրացև կինը տվեց հնացած ուտելիք։ Հաջորդ օրը ճգնավորը կրկին գնաց կնոջ տուն՝ ուտելիքի հույսով։ Կինը ուտելիք տվեցբայց սիրտն էլ հետը գնաց։ Երրորդ օրը՝ տեսնելով աղքատին տան առջև՝ կինը նյարդայնացավ և թույնն ու բրինձը խառնելուց հետո՝ տվեց աղքատին։ Աղքատը հասավ իր խրճիթ և պատրաստվում էր արդեն ուտելերբ մի երիտասարդ տղա մոտեցավ և ասացոր քաղցած է և ուտելու ինչ որ բան խնդրեց։ Ճգնավորը նրան տվեց իր ամբողջ բրինձը։ Երիտասարդը կերավ այդ թունավորված բրինձըև ի զարմանս ճգնավորի՝ նա միանգամից մահացավ։ Այդ երիտասարդը ծեր կնոջ որդին էրով վերադառնում էր երկար ճանապարհորդությունից։ Այսպիսով՝ այս չար կնոջ մտադրությունները հանգեցրին իր միակ որդու կորստին։

New Year and Christmas (the celebration)
New Year, my favorite holiday, is one of the most solemnized days worldwide. The day is formed by different customs and traditions. Each culture celebrates this holiday in its own unique way.
People who are fond of enjoyment start to prepare for the holiday at least one month in advance. The preparation begins by purchasing gifts, decorating houses, and making new costumes.
Obviously, the holiday would not be complete without the symbol of the New Year- New Year tree. the unique tree having million small needles and staying green throughout the year.
The New Year Tree, which is one of the exciting things for kids and adults, is the object that you can see in every house during the winter holidays. The whole family takes part in decorating the tree with toys, candies and different colorful lights. Children consider the tree to be mysterious, because Santa Claus hides the presents under it. Children hope that Santa Claus, an old man with white beard and red fur coat, already hid the presents there. But the old man is punctual and kids are unable to see the presents before the midnight.
Right before the New Year, the whole city gets a new life and starts looking like an ant-hill. People all around you are hurrying, carrying New Year trees, presents, groceries or just walking around and looking at the holiday craziness. The entire city is beautifully decorated with lights in a variety of different colors hanging all over buildings.
Armenians are working the whole year for earning and saving enough money to celebrate the New Year properly. Decorations of the holiday table are baked turkey and pork leg as well as dolma and barbeque. The Christmas is not less important than the New Year, but Armenians do not treat to this holiday as they should. We are Christians and the birth of our God and Savior must be celebrated better than other common holidays.

Interesting facts about the New Year
1.      The earliest known New Year celebrations were in Mesopotamia and date back to 2000 B.C.
2.      The Gregorian calendar, which marks January 1st as the New Year, is adopted by the Roman Catholic Church.
3.      Chinese New Year is celebrated the second full moon after the winter solstice.
4.      Jewish New Year is called Rosh Hashanah. Apples and honey are traditionally eaten.
In ancient Rome the New Year began on March 1st.

National stereotypes
A nation is a group of people who share common history and usually a language and usually, but not always, live in the same area. Culture can be described as our everyday life: how we communicate, what makes us happy and said. It also includes our language, religion, traditions, behavior, way of life – in other words, what we do each day. People that belong to various nations may differ and they always differ from one another.
Most people on earth have no idea about Armenia, not even stereotypes.
That said, the biggest mistaken assumption I see: Armenians == Armenia. Not so. Armenians are, at this point, spread all over the world. Most of us have their roots in places in historic Armenia that are now parts of other modern countries. Others have lived in other countries for a few centuries. So the modern Republic of Armenia, successor state to Soviet Armenia, does not represent them nor do they represent it. Our Armenia is a very small country in terms of territory and in terms of population - 2M people. Most Armenians have never visited it and will never visit it.
Here are some true facts about Armenia:
— Armenia has a solid software sector and startup ecosystem.
— Armenia has a few climactic zones but all are really cold in the winter.
— Modern Armenia is new but Yerevan is older than Rome.
— There are flights between Yerevan and Istanbul every day.
— Armenia is much poorer and more corrupt than it should be.
— Armenia is very very safe.

The Germans are regarded as scientifically-minded and industrious, they're always considered solid, intelligent and mathematical. And, for instance, Israeli are believed to be mercenary, industrious, shrewd, loyal to family, religious. There is a big amount of examples we can list about national character of different people. Proving the difference of the national stereotypes I want to compare Russian and English nations. There are a lot of features that vary. The Russians are industrious, tough, brave, progressive and suspicious. They are always considered to be nationalistic, over - patriotic (because of this reason they're good soldiers), we are willing to respect opinion of other people.

Speaking about Englishmen I may note that they're reserved, tradition-loving, courteous, honest, extremely nationalistic and etc. To my mind, they have a specific sense of humor. They say that they can't understand our jokes and anecdotes not only because of the different meanings of the words, but because of their humor is more delicate. Looking at these features of the Russians and the Englishmen it is not hard to mark out the differences. The Englishmen are reserved, but the Russians are open-hearted and communicative. The Englishmen are tradition-loving and the Russians, to my mind, don't keep their traditions in such a degree. There is a great majority of factors that influence the nations stereotype and its people's character. People that live in the southern countries have less problems than those who live in the North and because of this they're more cheerful and artistic. The history also has a great influence on the national character. The peoples in Asia are revengeful because their forefathers often were at war with others. In Africa many countries were colonies of the Great Britain, Holland, Spain and so on and they (Africans) were the slaves and because of this they're still hard-working and industrious. The National Character exists. It is not a myth, it's a reality. But the National Character doesn't describe the character of every person, it describes the character of people of nation in general. Every person has its own character, but according to the person's belonging to some nation many traits of character are similar and these features may be explained as the national character.

The bad habit of lying 

Lying is a negative habit which is easily influenced by people so as to either get away with something or to keep things on an even keel. There are some people who are pathological liars. They lie for anything and everything. On the other hand, there are people who lie occasionally to escape guilt. Whatever the case, lying is not a healthy habit and it is something which has been taught to us since childhood by our parents to be wrong. People who lie are conscious of the fact that they are lying and this makes them even guiltier.
Causes of Telling Lies:
There are many reasons why people tell lies. The primary reason is to escape guilt. People lie to others so that the blame which is on their head shifts to that of the other person. By this, people try to get away with the guilt which they have actually committed. Another reason why people lie is when they come under pressure.
The pressure that is pushed upon them often makes them lie. For instance, a teenager who craves for acceptance in his social circle will go to the extent of lying about his personal things so as to remain part of the group. Another cause for lying is to avoid an unpleasant situation which could be avoided by simply lying.
Consequences of Telling Lies:
Lying has many effects on both the person who is lying and to the person who is being lied to. Lying is falsely saying something to someone when one knows that it is not the truth. Thus, by lying, one is misleading the other person who might suffer some injury or harm in the process. Sometimes, lying might also lead to the actual blame being shifted upon another person who is completely innocent and might not even be aware of the situation.
This causes unnecessary prejudice and inconvenience. Lying also has psychological effect on the person who lies. Such a person always remains nervous because of his guilt. That person tends to take hasty decisions and remain distracted almost all the time.
How to Overcome the Habit of Telling Lies?
The habit of telling lies can be overcome by self-restraint. An individual can exercise self-restraint so that whenever he feels like lying, he stops himself from doing so and tells the truth. Also, another way to stop lying is by trying to not indulge in any negative activities which might later push us to lie to others. One must always understand that lies always affect the people close by. It might also lead to hurt or injury to others. Thus, the aforementioned factors should stop the person from lying.

Thus, there are many negative effects of telling lies. It is important that an individual understands the consequences of lying and thereby stops to do the same. This would help make him a better individual and person in the society.

Flash mob
9-12-րդ դասարաններ
I. Հաղորդակցման ընթացքում շատ հաճախ են գործածվում պայման արտահայտող նախադասությունները: Անգլերենում դրանք երեք տիպի են լինում.
Առաջին տիպ. Եթե կարդաս այս նամակը, կհասկանաս ամեն ինչ:
If you read this letter, you will understand everything.
Երկրորդ տիպ. Եթե կարդայիր այս նամակը, կհասկանայիր ամեն ինչ:
If you read (անցյալ ժամանակ) this letter, you would understand everything.
Երրորդ տիպ. Եթե կարդացած լինեիր այս նամակը երեկ, հասկացած կլինեիր ամեն ինչ:
If you had read this letter yesterday, you would have understood everything.
Complete these sentences.
If it rains tomorrow, I will not go to school.  
If Catalonia becomes an independent country, the Europian Union will be disappointed.
If money grew on trees, the forests would have taken the 70% of the land.
If everyone was telepathic, no words would have been used since the Creation.
If all the peoples were peaceful, the world would have been 360o different. . (people-մարդիկ, peoples-ժողովուրդներ)
If you had come earlier, you would have heard a ridiculous story.
They would have seen you, if you had come earlier.  
II. «Երանի տալը» անգլերեն`I wish I were in Denmark now. Երանի ես հիմա Դանիայում լինեի:
Հետաքրքիր է, որ այս դեպքում անցյալ ժամանակն է գործածվում «հիմա, վաղը, հաջորդ տարի…» ներկա և ապագա ցույց տվող բառերի հետ, իսկ «to be» բայն էլ «were» ձևով է գործածվում բոլոր դեմքերի համար գրական անգլերենում: Հնարավոր է նաև «was» ձևը խոսակցական լեզվում:
Երանի տվեք այս իրավիճակներում.
Օրինակ՝ I want to give up smoking. Ձևափոխում ենք այսպես՝ I wish I gave up smoking.
I love her but she never notices me. I love her and I wish she noticed me.
I can’t get a visa to the USA. I wish I could get a visa to the USA.
German grammar is so hard. I wish German grammar wasn’t so hard.
I never win the jack pot with a lottery ticket. I wish I won the jack pot with a lottery ticket.
III. Do you believe in these predictions? Դու հավատու՞մ ես այս կանխատեսումներին:
Justify your opinions with a few sentences. Պատճառաբանեք ձեր կարծիքը մի քանի նախադասությամբ:
Computers will take over the world.
The world is developing rapidly and after some time computers will take it over. The whole medicine, transport, household items, construction and etc. will be done by robots or will be automatic. I think it is going to harm than giving a use.    
Time travel will be possible.
Time travel won't be possible, because there are a lot of physical rules that technology can not deny and close eyes at. Time travel is something that should be only inside science fiction books, because there will be no use to try accomplishing it.  
Diseases will be eliminated and people will live more than 200 years.

Diseases won't be eliminated because there will always be one disaster that will harm the humankind. The scholars can only try to stop some of them, but vanishing them is impossible.  

The way to Aparan's dam
The dam of Aparan is situated in the center of Aparan region, between villages Kuchak, Eghipatroosh and former Astvatsenkal, at the bottom of Qasax River. The damb was built from 1962 to 1967. The area is 7,9km2, total amount water is 91 milion m3, water throughput is 218 m3 per second. The floor is from ground, height is 50 meters, lenght is 200 meters. The damb is fed from Qasax River, Lusagyoogh, Vardenis, Ttudjur, Eghipatroosh, Quchak small rivers and atmospheric rains. The dam is being frozen every winter. The dam water is used for Ejmiadzin's and Ashtarak's nearby areas irregation. Few species of fish and crayfish are bred in Aparan' dam. Villages Qasax and Zovuni were in the place of today's dam. Villagers were moved to Yerevan and nearby areas of the capital. Good luck to our group of students and teachers who are going to visit the dam soon.    

What plastics can become
Video by me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29Pf_ej4nY8

My taste in music
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent” -Viktor Hugo
Some people prefer listening to hard rock, some people prefer listening to rap, jazz, gospel or country, but I am fond of classical music. I think that classical music is the combination of all music categories. Among dozens of worldwide known and famous composers my favorite is Dmitriy Shostakovich.
Dmitriy Dmitrievich Shostakovich was born on 25th of September 1906 and finished his life way on the 9th of August 1975. He was a Russian pianist and composer of the Soviet period. He is regarded as one of the major composers of the 20th century. Shostakovich achieved fame in the Soviet Union under the patronage of Soviet chief of staff Mikhail Tukhachevsky, but later had a complex and difficult relationship with the government. A polystylist, Shostakovich developed a hybrid voice, combining a variety of different musical techniques into his works. His music is characterized by sharp contrasts, elements of the grotesque, and ambivalent tonality; the composer was also heavily influenced by the neo-classical style pioneered by Igor Stravinsky, and (especially in his symphonies) by the late Romanticism associated with Gustav Mahler. Shostakovich's orchestral works include 15 symphonies and six concerti. His chamber output includes 15 string quartets, a piano quintet, two piano trios, and two pieces for string octet. His solo piano works include two sonatas, an early set of preludes, and a later set of 24 preludes and fugues. Other works include three operas, several song cycles, ballets, and a substantial quantity of film music; especially well known is The Second Waltz, Op. 99, music to the film The First Echelon (1955–1956), as well as the suites of music composed for The Gadfly.
My favorite work of Shostakovich is The Second Waltz, because it has taken a part in the film based on my favorite novel The Gadfly. The Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 2 was written in 1938 for the newly founded State Jazz Orchestra of Victor Knushevitsky, and was premiered on 28 November 1938 in Moscow (Moscow Radio) by the State Jazz Orchestra. The score was lost during World War II, but a piano score of the work was rediscovered in 1999 by Manashir Yakubov. Three movements of the suite were reconstructed and orchestrated by Gerard McBurney, and were premiered at a London Promenade Concert in 2000.
The Suite, in its reconstructed form, consists of the following movements:
1.      Scherzo
2.      Lullaby
3.      Serenade
Until recently, another eight-movement Suite by Shostakovich had been misidentified and recorded as the second Jazz Suite. This work is now correctly known as the Suite for Variety Orchestra (post-1956), from which the "Waltz No. 2" was made famous by the soundtrack to Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, and which has become associated with the Jazz Suite No. 2.
In my opinion, in this music the Russian spirit is heard: nostalgia and melancholy, hoping, dreaming, kindness, innocence and trustfulness, a great power, irresistible will and courage that will never stop.
I highly recommend you to listen The Second Waltz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_rY7fpzNC0
Also I really appriciate Andre Rieu’s cover:


Playing games as an adult (essay)
I do strongly support the idea that playing games is important for adults.It is useful and fun,too.It is one of the most important ways to cope with the problems of business and daily life.There are several benefits of playing games for adults.First,playing games creates leisure time that every adult must have to lessen the stress of business life.Its another benefit is that It can improve reflex,intelligence or health depending on the kind of the game ,and it also gives pleasure to the adults as well as children.

As we know today business life is a place full of stress. People generally come to their homes being tired and irritated. Therefore, every individual adult must create leisure times to forget the daily life's problems and to feel relieved. So, playing some kinds of games can help them to have free, without stress, times and to relax. Parents also, by this way, can make a better communication with their children by playing some games such as backgammon, chess, puzzles or computer games. Children gain self-confidence due to this relationship with their parents, too. It certainly is a notable point of playing games referring to a family life. Consequently, playing games alone or with their families gives support adults to preserve their health, to lessen their stresses and to deal with business problems.

Games for adults can also increase the mood of the player and make happy, but it can be backwards too. Games help adults to relax and feel better. There are a lot of types of games that may make the player nervous, stressed and angry, so I recommend playing more calm and passive games, not shooters or arcade races. As for me playing a game should take not more than half an hour per day, because spending more time means you are in dependence.
Last but not least i wish to say that playing games is important for adults as well as all human beings.It is useful,necessary,enjoyable and educational.Since life,itself,is a game in which the players are we,it is unavoidable to spend time without playing games at any age.

Advanced forms of life existed on earth at least 3.55 billion years ago. In rocks of that age, fossilized imprints have been found of bacteria that look uncannily like cyanobacteria, the most highly evolved photosynthetic organisms present in the world today. Carbon deposits enriched in the lighter carbon-12 isotope over the heavier carbon-13 isotope—a sign of biological carbon assimilation—attest to an even older age. On the other hand, it is believed that our young planet, still in the throes of volcanic eruptions and battered by falling comets and asteroids, remained inhospitable to life for about half a billion years after its birth, together with the rest of the solar system, some 4.55 billion years ago. This leaves a window of perhaps 200-300 million years for the appearance of life on earth. 

Կյանքի տարբեր ձևերը աշխարհի վրա գոյություն ունեին դեռ 3.55 միլիարդ տարի առաջ։ Այդ դարաշրջանի քարերի վրա հայտնաբերվել են բակտերիայի քարացած հետքեր,բակտերիան շատ խիստ նման էր ցիանոբակտերիաների,որոնք մինչ օրս համարվում են ամենաշատ ֆոտոզինթեզ անող օրգանիզմներ։ Ածխաջրերի որոշ նստվածք 13 իզոտոպից իջել է ավելի ցածր՝ 12 իզոտոպի,որը ածխածնի բիոլոգիական ասիմիլյացիայի հետևանք է,որն իր հերթին Երկրագնդի ավելի հին լինելու մասին նշան է։ Մյուս կողմից՝ մարդիկ հավատում են,որ մեր երիտասարդ, հրաբխերից տանջված և երկնաքարերով ծեծված մոլորակը կյանքի նկատմամբ եղել է ոչ բարեհամբույր՝ մոտավորապես 500.000.000 տարի, իր ստեղծումից ի վեր։ Ամբողջ արեգակնային համակարգի հետ միասին՝4.55 միլիարդ տարի։ Այս ամենը թողնում է 200.000.000-ից 300.000.000 տարի՝ կյանքի առաջացման համար։

Do athletes and entertainers deserve their high salaries? 
Everyone knows that famous athletes and entertainers earn high salaries, but the thing is if they deserve it or not. Let’s firstly find out what’s their aim and everyday activity, then we will be able to discuss if they are worth their salaries .

Athletes are sportsmen who devote their life and energy to sports and work hard to introduce and represent their country in foreign republics. Getting high positions in international championships athletes become the pride of their country and make a positive impression on foreign people, so this way they might increase the level of interest to their country and exponent of tourism's development. Besides, they make their country famous all over the world. I think that athletes and sportsmen in general do deserve high salaries.
Now let's turn to entertainers. Entertainers earn more money than athletes, but I think it is not fair. I don't consider most of entertainers to be serious and hardworking, because you need nothing to be an entertainer, no higher education or strong internal values needed. Actors are to be highly educated, but I don't consider them to be entertainers, as for me they are artists. Entertainers just help people to spend their leisure time in joy (there are some exceptions).
So by the above stated thoughts, I claim that athletes are precious gems of a nation, and they should be garnished by high salaries.
Doctors and teachers are worth getting more money than athletes or entertainers. 

Should boys and girls study in separate classes?
Of course not. Boys and girls must attend the same school and learn in same classes. Boys do have their advantages, girls either. Girls stimulate boys to study better, be more careful and behave goodly(?)(there are some exceptions :D).
It is true that exists differences between boys and girls, but these are not so important to make that they attend school separate or study in different classes. In the past, children were separated in genders to go to school for some Christian morality that nowadays does not exist. In my opinion, friendship between boys and girls should exist and be promoted by our schools, as well as teaching that they are equal. In addition, children learn since they are babies how they should behave, so to accept that women and men can work alongside they must start the sooner, the best.

All in all, a friendship is more complicate to do in the adulthood that in the childhood. Therefore, it is better to put them together at school in order to make them capable of a friendship. They will be able to play together and to see each other as people and not as woman or man

Furthermore, both girls and boys must learn from each other. Because girls and boys do not have the same point of view sometimes, so they can learn how the world is through another mentality. I mean, girls are more sensitive and boys usually are ruder, so boys could improve their modals and girls to be more savage. 

Finally, working alongside might teach them that the other gender is not something to be scary about. In the past, men saw woman as a myth because they did not use to be together at school or the playground. Then, when they grew up, men saw women as strangers, as somebody different. For example, in the past schools taught different subjects to men and women, so women to be a housewife whereas men were taught to be the worker, who brought the money to home.

To sum up, nowadays our society evolved to consider both women and men equals, so in my opinion, it is a lack of time to separate again girls and boys. In addition, they can learn different behaviors or point of views that will be enriched them. Separate by genders in a policy from the past that is not worthy in the present.

I am sure that no real friendship between a boy and a girl could exist.  

My experience of internet shopping
To tell the truth- I have never bought anything from internet,but I can tell you a common opinion. Online shopping is the most recent phenomenon in the Armenian online space. Men and women of all ages visit shopping websites regularly and buy the necessaries of life.
Men from far and near visit online marketplaces to buy and sell goods. The most striking feature in online market is that it is free of large crowd and noise. A person can visit the online shopping site during his free time and place orders to buy an item.

Many people make their daily purchases online. Today, there are online shops even of grocers. Rice, pulse, oil, and stationary goods are also bought online. The online grocery stores also sell fruits, vegetables, potato, onions, bread, butter, etc.
There are online shopping websites that sell toys, paper, exercise books etc.
There are shopping websites to buy products for babies. They sell almost everything that a kid may ever need.
The most important advantage of online shopping is that we can compare the prices of various items across several eCommerce website. In this way, we are assured the best deal.
The online electronic stores sell various electronic products at competitive prices. We can buy mobile phones, televisions, refrigerators from the convenience of our home.
Most of the leading online shopping website allows the customers to pay cash on delivery of the products. Hence, the risk of online money transfer gets mitigated.
Online food ordering is a phenomeno as well. It breaks the burden of cooking after a long working day and allows you to order whatever food you like.

Though the internet shopping is much cheaper than real life, I appreciate going malls and supermarkets with my family.

The Armenian Community in Germany
Armenians in Germany are ethnic Armenians living within the modern republic of Germany. Like much of the Armenian diaspora, most Armenians immigrated to Germany after the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Others came later, fleeing conflicts in places like Iran, Azerbaijan and Lebanon. Another influx came fleeing nationalist persecution in Turkey. After World War II, many Soviet Armenians, former POWs in particular, fled to the American occupied areas of Germany. While many traveled on, some settled in the country, providing a base for later asylum-seekers.
The first Armenian organization was the Armenian Colony of Berlin, established in 1923. By 1975, Armenian associations would be established in Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich.

Presently, there are about 35,000 naturalized Armenians and 15,000 asylum-seeking Armenians living in Germany today. Their population is concentrated in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, many of which are Armenian asylum-seekers from Armenia, for whom the Armenian Church provides services, baptisms, Bible readings and community support. The Diocese of Germany bears all the costs of supporting Armenians from post-Soviet Armenia and regards this service as part of its mission.
Also about Germany's treatment to Armenian Genocide.
While the German parliament has adopted a resolution that recognizes the "organized expulsion and destruction of the Armenians", and states that "numerous independent historians, parliaments and international organizations" have recognized the event as genocide, the resolution does not state such itself. The resolution also contains an apology for Germany's role in the Genocide (The German Monarchy was an ally of Ottoman Turkey during World War I, and did not intervene despite ample evidence of a policy of extermination) and calls on Turkey to examine its role in the ethnic cleansing.
This resolution is deemed significant due to the comparatively large number of Turkish nationals living in Germany.

Christmas and New Year in my country: Armenia
Christmas and New Year are the most important and long-awaited holidays in the whole year. I am Armenian and celebrate Christmas when the Apostolic church does, on the 6th of January. On this day it also celebrates the Epiphany (which means the revelation that Jesus was God's son). Epiphany is now mainly the time Churches remember the Visit of the Wise Men to Jesus; but some Churches, like the Armenian Apostolic Church, also celebrate the Baptism of Jesus (when he started his adult ministry) on Epiphany. Some Armenians fast (don't eat anything) in the week before Christmas. The Christmas Eve meal is called khetum 'Խթում'. It often includes dishes such as rice, fish, nevik 'նուիկ' (green chard and chick peas) and yogurt/wheat soup called tanabur 'թանապուր'. Desserts includes dried fruits and nuts, including rojik (whole shelled walnuts threaded on a string and encased in grape jelly), bastukh (a paper-like dessert made of grape jelly, cornstarch and flour). This lighter menu is designed to ease the stomach off the week-long fast and prepare it for the rather more substantial Christmas Day dinner. Children take presents of fruits, nuts, and other candies to older relatives.

 Santa Claus Gaghant Baba / Kaghand Papa traditionally comes on New Year's Eve (December 31st) because Christmas Day itself is thought of as more of a religious holiday in Armenia.
At the beginning of December a big Christmas Tree (Tonatsar) is put up in Republic Square in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia,my country.
Favorite and traditional Holiday foods in Armenia include Anooshaboor (Armenian Christmas Pudding), Khozee bood (glazed ham) and dried fruits. Every house is ready with lots of sweets because anyone might knock on the door and come in for a party!

I am looking forward to celebrating New Year and Christmas, because at this part of the year our everyday life becomes magical and fabuluos. 

A better town for teenagers

Before answering the above ''question'', I would like us to find out what is appreciated by teenagers.
Every teenager has a hobby, and obviously spents his/her leisure time on it. It means, that the government of The Perfect City has to make every condition for a teen to develop hobby skills.
Clubs, gyms, sport centers and entertainment buildings have to be opened too, to increase the level of off-line teenage life and upgrade the health of current generation.
Libraries and book stores are irrevocable parts of ‘’Must be’’, to fill the gap between gadgets and books. Books are necessary to provide the unstoppable work of alternative and tactic thinking.
Access to internet for nonsense has to be decreased for 70 percent, so the web network will be used for extra knowledge.

A number of approximately free schools and universities have to be added to educational system, to motivate teenagers study hard and get sensible results, besides, for getting a serious position.
There will be no opportunity to establish an independent town just for teenagers, but there will always be an opportunity to change something in our city to better.

Universities can teach maturity. They can teach teenagers how to be adults, and that means to function outside a clique or a tribe. ‘’Russell Smith’’

Pocket money: essay

Nearly every teenager has it's own pocket money. Some of them work for earning it and some ask their parents to leave them for school lunch. Both examples are normal and must not be explained why ,and so on. If a teenager works and earns money, it doesn't mean that he/she totally values it. One must not spend his pocket money in unnesseccary things, because it is nonsene, and in future one is going to face strong problems.
 Want to tell you my case: my parents leave me an x amount of money for my everyday school lunch, it is enough for me, but I don't spend the whole,because I recognize, that saving a few amount of money from my everyday pocket money, I'm not going to ask my parents for money in the end of the week, by the reason of my and my friend's cinema going. Besides, our 24 hours are sudden, and one is not able to insure me, that I'm not going to need having a little amount of money in my pocket, because my mom would call and ask me of buying a piece of bread for the evening. Every teenager must value the money starting from these young years,because nowdays World depends on it and will punish the one, who won't be able to earn money and use it nesseccerely, with poorness. 
Benjamin Franklin once has said these words, I agree with him: “A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned”:

Teenage charity: essay

Charity is charity. The act of giving to charity is a wonderful expression of selflessness. Some give to charity completely of free will. Others might be a little farther motivated by some kind of small incentive or reward. All the donations of food, clothes or money all go to that charity anyway. Why does it matter if there is any inventible or not. In fact why not commend those teachers and those public television stations because if those incentives hadn’t been offered then the people who gave based on the reward wouldn’t have given at all.

Students in high school are at an impressionable age. If students develop the practice of giving to charity while they’re still young then that behavior or practice will stay with them the rest their life, and in hindsight improving society greatly.

As for me charity is not just donating money or food, charity is donating your love, tolerance, kindness and knowledge to one, who needs it much more than thousand dollars. Every one of us has a soul, which needs care, help and sometimes a warm hug, to make our physical body become prosperous, useful and hopeful.
Want to end my essay with Martin Luther King Jr.'s words:

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” 

Scouting movement: my opinion

Scouting or the Scout Movement is a movement that aims to support young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society, with a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills. During the first half of the twentieth century, the movement grew to encompass three major age groups for boys (Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Rover Scout) and, in 1910, a new organization, Girl Guides, was created for girls (Brownie Guide, Girl Guide and Girl Scout, Ranger Guide).
 It is one of several worldwide youth organizations. Also there is an association of scouts in Armenia which was founded in 1912 and was registered in World Organization of Scout Movement in 1997. In my opinion scouting was useful, interesting and obvious for the 1900-1990 generation, because there was a little access to web at that time, so the scouting was one of the best ways to teach the generation love the nature, take care for each other and gain survival and social skills. As for me such movement is not actual for this new generation, because the internet has already replaced it and every kind of skill is able to be found in web. I am not a member of scouting organization, but I travel a lot with my school and feel much more better. 

Armenian cuisine
I am Armenian and respect our traditions. When it’s time to introduce my country aboard, firstly I speak about our mountains, especially Ararat, our religious and highest mountain. And of course, our cognac has its own position and has to be spoken about. Armenian most famous cognac brand is Ararat (taken from our mount), which is spread all over the world.
Now we are getting closer to our topic, national food of Armenia, our cuisine.

Kofta is one traditional dish of Armenia, her pride and, perhaps, is one of her business cards. Kofta is a certain kind of meatballs. Kofta is known since the days of the Ottoman Empire and with the course of history, kofta acquired its own characteristics.
Khashlama is a dish cooked with meat, mostly lamb with vegetables. And the meat should always be on the bone to khashlama be more tasty.
Aris or wheat porridge with chicken is another Armenian dish. Most often it is served to the table at the weekend, when the house full of relatives and guests and you enjoy the dish together.
Baklama and Gata are Armenian sweet desserts. Baklama is spread all over the world, but there is a special recipe from Goris. Honey and chopped walnuts are the main additions of it. There is no an exact recipe of Armenian Gata, because every region has its own. Gata is sweet dessert, what’s main component is khoriz.

Of course there are national Khorovats, Dolma and Bread with Jengyal, but I prefered up-highlighted dishes, which are more familliar to my city Yerevan.

E-mail to my friend.

Dear David,

   Thank you for your recent letter. It is so wonderful to hear from you! I am very glad that you had a good vacation.

   As for me, I also spent a wonderful vacation. First, I lived with my parents in the garden. The weather was hot and I swam a lot with my friends. We played soccer and rode bicycles. 

   And in August we went to Cyprus with my parents. It is a large island in the Mediterranean with a wonderful climate. We swam in the sea and were lying in the shade of huge eucalyptus trees. We traveled along the mountain paths and played tennis. Anyway, it was a memorable summer.

   How did your academic year begin? Are there newcomers in your class? Any new subjects?

   I’m sorry, I have to go to the sports section.

   All the best!


My own interview with president

Hello mr. president. I would like to ask you a couple of questions. What do you think a modern country need for development and being the first in the world?
What is your experience as a president? What hints may you give to teens, who want to reach what you already have had.
What is your opinion,  is it better to be respected among people, or to be rich, but also disrespected among country?
Thank you very much for the interview, it was a pleasent one. Wish you good luck and strenght in leading our country.
Hottest news from China
The newly inaugurated skyscraper tower of Huaxi village is seen in Huaxi village, Jiangsu province, October 7, 2011. Huaxi, also known as China's richest village, celebrates its 50th anniversary with the inauguration of a massive 328-meters (1,076 feet) high skyscraper that screams for attention from its lowly skyline. 

 Breaking the theory of multiple universes
For me, the big failing of the multiuniverse theory is that a universe possesses an immense energy. How can a single quantum event possibly split off another universe without having to create that amount of energy?  And if you posit that the split divides the energy of the original universe between the branches, then eventually the energies of the branches will drop to close to zero. Which makes no sense at all. If you assume the energy after a split is shared between universes, then a perturbation in the energy in one universe should be detectable in another universe. We have no such evidence.
So multiverse theory seems self-defeating.

My way of communication

My way of communication is very common. I use cellphone to communicate with my family members, but I use online messeges to tell something to my friends. I use cellphone to communicate with my family,because they are dear to me and I tell them some information immidietly and get my answer like very fast. When I talk to them, I feel their presence and enjoy the moment,because I meet them only in the morning and in the evening. Cellphones are very important, 'coz every moment, when you need something, or you are in danger, cellphone helps you to call a help or just to check out an information, for example, is yur sister already at home or does she need something. Messeges are important, because you are able to tell an information to like ten people at one time. I use both, but I think, that the best way of communication is sitting nearby and discussing a topic in open air.

How fish communicate

Some fish species can make audible sounds like clicks or croaks but most fish communicate with body language. Certain species will flare out their gill plates the same way a cat would raise the hair on their back. They try to make themselves look bigger and more intimidating to scare away another fish from their territory or when they are defending their young. Some fish will turn their body sideways to appear larger if they are challenged by another fish, while another tactic is to grab another fish by the lips. Sometimes they will wrestle this way and even may tear off the lip of another fish during a fight. Some fish will "lip lock" to test each other if they may be a breeding pair. If they both "tough out" the fight then they know they are both strong enough to raise young together. Another way fish communicate is to "color up". Their normal coloring may appear dull or pale, but when they fight or breed, often the colors get really strong and vibrant.

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